Our Team, Research Professionals | Cardus


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Our Team

The dedicated Cardus team works tirelessly to extend and enlarge the conversation on faith in our common and public life through the production of credible research, the facilitation of dialogue, engaging public events, strategic public initiatives, and key publications. Learn more about our in-house expertise below.

Executive Team

Michael Van Pelt

Michael Van Pelt

President & CEO

905.528.8866 x x121

Ray Pennings

Executive Vice President

613.241.4500 x x501

Brian Dijkema

Brian Dijkema

Vice President, External Affairs

905.528.8866 x x123

Dan Postma

Vice President, Operations

905.528.8866 x x128

Lisa Richmond

Lisa Richmond

Vice President, Research

Andrew Bennett

Andrew P.W. Bennett

Program Director, Faith Communities

613.241.4500 x x510

Beca Bruder

Beca Bruder

Managing Editor, Comment

Anna Buhrmann

Heritage Coordinator

Matt Crummy

Matt Crummy

Marketing Director, Comment

Timothy deVries

Timothy deVries

Grants Associate

905.528.8866 x x137

Justine Dyk

Justine Dyk

Director of Events

Nicole Feenstra

Nicole Feenstra

Executive Assistant to the President & CEO

Dayna Hillier

Dayna Hillier

Research and Executive Assistant

613.241.4500 x x516

Amy Hoogstad

Amy Hoogstad


David Hunt

David Hunt

B.C. Director and Education Director

905.528.8866 x x708

Nadine Iraguha

Nadine Iraguha

Executive and Operations Assistant

Catharine Kavanagh

Catherine Kavanagh

Alberta Liaison Officer

Lucy Lantz

Lucy Lantz

Marketing Assistant

Stephen Lazarus

Stephen Lazarus

Program Director, NextGEN & Learning Communities

905.528.8866 x x138

Jenisa Los

Jenisa Los

Research and Editorial Associate

905.528.8866 x x515

Peter Jon Mitchell

Peter Jon Mitchell

Program Director, Family

613.241.4500 x x504

Andrea Mrozek

Andrea Mrozek

Senior Fellow, Cardus Family

613.241.4500 x x503

Sage Murphy

Sage Murphy

Data Entry Assistant

Renze Nauta

Renze Nauta

Program Director, Work & Economics

613.241.4500 x x505

Geoff Otten

Geoff Otten

Major Gifts Advisor

Naomi Papavero

Marketing Assistant

Daniel Proussalidis

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

613.241.4500 x x508

Monica Rawlek Elizondo

Monica Rawlek Elizondo

External Affairs Administrator

Carol Reaume

Carol Reaume

Events Coordinator

Jeff Reimer

Jeff Reimer

Associate Editor, Comment

Domenic Sallese

Domenic Sallese

Graphic and Digital Artist

Andreae Sennyah

Director of Policy

905.528.8866 x x710

Doug Sikkema

Senior Fellow, Research

Anne Snyder

Anne Snyder

Editor-in-Chief, Comment

Stephen Speelman

Stephen Speelman

Accounting Assistant

Rebecca Vachon

Rebecca Vachon

Program Director, Health

Alicia Vanderwillik

Alicia Vanderwillik

Graphic Artist

Joanna Van Hof

Joanna DeJong VanHof


905.528.8866 x x141

Moriah Vincent

Moriah Vincent

Community Engagement Director, Comment

Haley Welch

Haley Welch

Director of Data and Evaluation

905.528.8866 x x514

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