Susan Martinuk | Cardus


Susan Martinuk

Susan Martinuk

Susan Martinuk is a Vancouver-based research consultant, and former researcher in reproductive technologies and infertility. In 1990, she and her colleagues achieved a world-first medical breakthrough—the first to visualize and record the process of human ovulation. From 2010 to 2012, Susan carried out the first-ever study on access to, and utilization of, PET (positron emission tomography) imaging in cancer care in Canada. The 200-page report presents utilization statistics, identifies factors restricting the use of PET in Canada, and suggests that this technology could provide more clinically- and cost-effective care for cancer patients.

Martinuk is a former radio-talk show host and, for the past 20 years, has been a nationally-known editorial columnist and published more than 1500 articles in major newspapers, magazines and journals across Canada. In 2012, Susan was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for her contributions to Canadian society through her writing.

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