Rabbi Reuven Bulka | Cardus


Rabbi Reuven Bulka

Rabbi Reuven Bulka

Rabbi Dr. Reuven Bulka has served as Rabbi of the Congregation Machzikei Hadas in Ottawa, Ontario since 1967, and is presently Rabbi Emeritus. He was the host of the weekly Radio call-in program Sunday Night with Rabbi Bulka (CFRA) since 1994 and a regular columnist in The Ottawa Citizen’s Ask the Religion Experts feature since 1995.

He is the founder and editor of the Journal of Psychology and Judaism (1976 – 2003), serves as a member on various editorial boards, and was chair of the following: the Religious Advisory Committee for the United Way/Centraide of Ottawa-Carleton; the Trillium Gift of Life Network, responsible for Organ and Tissue Donation in Ontario; the Religious Advisory Board, Canadian Blood Services; and the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre Courage Campaign. He is presently chair of the Ottawa Jewish Community Federation Annual Campaign and is chair of Kindness Week in Ottawa, and President/CEO of Kind Canada Généreux.

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