Balfour Descendant Endorses Cardus Proposal for Heritage Home | Cardus


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Balfour Descendant Endorses Cardus Proposal for Heritage Home

Grandson of Chedoke’s last private owner urges Hamilton to reach lease agreement with Cardus


September 25, 2019

HAMILTON, ON – Cardus’s proposal to restore and re-open Chedoke has received a new vote of confidence. David Balfour, grandson of Ethel Southam Balfour and St. Clair Balfour who lived in the house through the first half of the 20th century, says he’s “delighted” by the Cardus restoration proposal.

“Cardus has created the type of plan all of us who’ve lived in or visited Chedoke have longed to see,” said Mr. Balfour. “I urge the city to move quickly on reaching an agreement with Cardus. They have a vision for restoring this beautiful home to its former glory so that this piece of Hamilton history is not lost.”

Mr. Balfour’s endorsement comes a week after Hamilton city councillors voted overwhelmingly to direct city staff to negotiate a lease agreement with Cardus for Chedoke. Cardus has offered to restore and re-open the historic property at no cost to the city while using the restored building for office and retreat space. Cardus has also committed to facilitating public access to the property in keeping with the low traffic and low impact requirements of the surrounding neighbourhood. 

“I deeply appreciate Mr. Balfour’s support for Cardus and our proposal to restore the home that’s so important to his family,” said Michael Van Pelt, President and CEO of Cardus. “Our proposal to help bring Hamilton’s history to life again is bringing people and communities together. It’s a concrete way to say that everyone has a place – and a space – in a city as diverse and beautiful as Hamilton.”

Cardus has offered to take the full financial burden off the shoulders of taxpayers and the City of Hamilton by restoring and occupying the unused and deteriorating Chedoke. The property is currently owned by the Ontario Heritage Trust, while the city manages it. The goal of the project would be to ensure a beautifully restored and meticulously maintained property for the Ontario Heritage Trust in 2039. For more details, visit OpenBalfour.


Daniel Proussalidis
Cardus – Director of Communications
613-241-4500 x508

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