Changes Coming to Cardus Education | Cardus


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Changes Coming to Cardus Education


January 15, 2019

HAMILTON, ON – After four years leading the Education Program at Cardus, Dr. Beth Green is moving on to take a special appointment by the Dean and President of Tyndale University College & Seminary to a senior role in Research, Integration, and Christian Formation.

“It comes as no surprise that someone with Beth Green’s credentials and abilities would be in high demand from any number of organizations,” said Ray Pennings, executive vice president and co-founder of Cardus. “We are tremendously grateful to have had the benefit of her gifts for the last four years.”

This change takes place at a strategic time for Cardus. Under Dr. Green’s leadership, Cardus Education saw tremendous growth in funding and the range of projects undertaken. Significant data collection is now done and there are at least 14 releases, events, and reports scheduled for 2019. She leaves the Education Program in good hands, thanks to the relationships she built with outside partners and to growing internal capacity at Cardus.

“I am confident that Cardus Education will deliver its projects in 2019,” said Pennings. “Our in-house team of researchers, our outside partners, and our well-established ties to excellent consultants put us in a strong and stable position to continue our work.”

Dr. Green will continue to play a significant role at Cardus as a Senior Fellow, working on several ongoing initiatives in education research through 2020.

“While we will miss seeing Beth daily at Cardus, we are glad that she will continue to contribute as a Senior Fellow,” said Pennings. “And we are proud to see her moving into a critical leadership position at Tyndale. On behalf of all the Cardus team, I thank her for serving so capably over the last four years and I wish her all success in her new posting – one in which I’m sure she will excel.”

For further information on Dr. Green’s new posting, please, click here.

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Daniel Proussalidis
Cardus – Director of Communications
613-241-4500 x508

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