Minister Jason Kenney's Keynote Address from Canada's New Industrial Revolution | Cardus


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Minister Jason Kenney’s Keynote Address from Canada’s New Industrial Revolution

Speaking notes for The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Minister of Employment and Social Development at a conference hosted by Cardus regarding skills mismatch in Canada and what it means for Canada’s future:

“Cardus is a wonderful organization that digs deep on issues important to our society and our economy and reaches out to people both in the union and business sectors with a well-grounded intellectual framework to address these issues and I want to thank and acknowledge Cardus and all their supporters for the kind of work they do for example at this conference as well as the partner organizations who are involved here today, the Progressive Contractors Association, the National Construction Labour Relations Association, the Christian Labour Association of Canada and the Building and construction trades. All organizations with whom I’ve been very pleased to work in my brief tenure as the jobs minister and all of them, organizations that are trying to find practical solutions to some of the very big but good challenges that we are facing together as Canadians.

I’m here today to talk about the strength of our economy and the challenges we face to achieve long-term prosperity and some of the solutions that we see to those challenges. You know, our country is facing a pivotal time…”

Find the full speech here.

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