Statement on the Passing of John Rozema | Cardus


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Statement on the Passing of John Rozema


November 21, 2018

John Rozema, a respected businessperson and philanthropist from Sarnia, Ontario, has passed away.

While we mourn his passing, we celebrate his legacy.

John co-founded a contracting company in 1963, Steeves & Rozema, which grew into one of the largest employers in Sarnia. Success in business did not diminish in any way John’s humble commitment to making local and community institutions thrive. He used his gifts in service to others to become, in every sense, a community-builder.

John’s generosity has made a remarkable and positive difference, both today and for future generations of Canadians through the contributions he and his wife Lainey made to the recognition of excellence in education. The John Rozema Teaching Excellence Award serves as an ongoing investment in the life of Ontario’s Christian school community and continues to mark these schools’ contributions to the common good.

Cardus offers its condolences to the entire Rozema family. We are deeply grateful for the contributions John and Lainey Rozema made to a stronger future for Canada through support for Christian education.

More information on the remarkable life and legacy of John Rozema is available online.

Daniel Proussalidis
Cardus – Director of Communications
613-241-4500 x508

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