Stronger Together 2015 announces recipients | Cardus


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Stronger Together 2015 announces recipients

Stronger Together has announced the recipients of their $500,000 pledge to twelve Canadian organizations involved in seeking creative solutions to ongoing issues in our world. The consortium behind these grants is made up of four partners: Acts of Grace Foundation, Bridgeway Foundation, John and Rebecca Horwood, and Mitchell Family Foundation.

Cardus is honoured to have received a grant that will help fund our Health project, which seeks to change the public conversation around end-of-life care in Canada. Our recently released report, “Death Is Natural,” shows the significant concern most Canadians feel about their end-of-life planning that we believe could be alleviated.

Stronger Together is a group of donors that believe collaboration boosts efficiency. This cooperative values creativity and collaboration in charities and seeks to support those initiatives. To learn more about the work that Stonger Together is doing, visit them at

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