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Canadians Will Celebrate Virtual Easter, Ramadan, and Passover

New survey finds many Canadians turn to prayer and technology amid COVID-19 social distancing

Education and Economics Specialists Join Senior Fellows Roster

With new appointments, Cardus will have added four new senior fellows since April, 2019

Canadian Charities Need Pandemic Rescue Plan Now, Cardus Warns

Think tank outlines $2.5 billion plan for governments, philanthropic foundations, and ordinary Canadians 

New National Award for Canadian Christian School Teachers

Regional award goes national to help highlight work of Christian schools coast to coast

Statement regarding Bill C-7 on medical assistance in dying

Bill C-7 is unbalanced with its heavy emphasis on expanded access to medical aid in dying (MAiD) without an equal measure of concern for improved guidelines and safeguards.

College Choice Affects More Than Just Job Prospects, Study Finds

Post-secondary education tied to alumni perceptions of moral obligation, and commitment to common good.

Faith Feeds Cities in Canada and the United States

Case studies outline how faith-based organizations contribute to urban renewal in Canada and U.S. 

Social Justice and Christian Schooling Go Hand in Hand

Religious schools committed to common good, new series of case studies highlights. 

Unemployed Canadians Suffer More Than Loss of Wages

Leading labour economist reports on policy gaps and non-financial aspects of work  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 17, 2019 OTTAWA, ON – Business leaders, unions, and governments will not be prepared for the next economic downturn without taking a new approach to employment and labour. The newly published report, Work Is About More than Money, reviews decades of research on the social, health, psychological, and relational components of work. Co-authors Dr. Morley Gunderson, a University of Toronto professor and one of Canada’s foremost labour economists, and Brian Dijkema, Vice President of External Affairs at think tank Cardus, suggest the labour policy focus on wages isn’t enough. “Employment Insurance is important, but it can’t fix everything,” says Dijkema. “Work fosters mental and physical well-being, aside from providing a social circle – so having a job, or going for a long time without one, has implications well beyond a paycheque.” Being out of work can be harmful in a variety of ways. Some research suggests job loss is associated with earlier death and with increases in child neglect, increased heart disease, and even traffic accidents. “Business leaders, unions, and governments need to develop a work-first culture,” says Dijkema. “That means that even during periods of downsizing or economic dislocation, the emphasis decision-makers will emphasize maintaining work and minimizing job loses through job sharing or other means to lessen the social, health, and psychological harm that can come through unemployment.” Work Is About More Than Money also notes that if employers paid more attention to the non-monetary aspects of work, it would help improve their recruitment and retention efforts. This is especially important for two-earner families who increasingly prioritize work-family balance. Some employees may be prepared to give up income in order to facilitate such balance. Work is About More than Money is freely available online. -30- MEDIA INQUIRIES Daniel Proussalidis Cardus – Director of Communications 613-241-4500 x508

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Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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