Press Releases, Research Announcements | Cardus


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Niagara Region Development Charges Plan is Counter-Productive

As Niagara Region Council considers ending its development charge exemption for houses of worship, Cardus has warned the plan makes little sense. 

STATEMENT: Dropping Federal Employee Vaccine Mandate Overdue

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 14, 2022 “Dropping the vaccine mandate for federal employees is long overdue. The decision corrects a deeply damaging policy, not only in terms of labour relations, but in terms of public health as well. The mandate was out of line with public health best practices, damaged Canadians’ trust in public health initiatives, and hardened opposition to beneficial COVID vaccines. This is something the federal government should correct by committing to walk alongside all its employees in the future. We also look forward to seeing public service unions hold the government accountable on this issue.” Brian Dijkema, Vice-President of External Affairs at think-tank Cardus If you are interested in booking an interview with a Cardus spokesperson, please, contact Daniel Proussalidis at or 613-899-5174. MEDIA INQUIRIES Daniel Proussalidis Cardus – Director of Communications 613-899-5174 

How Canada’s Religious Congregations Produce $18.2 Billion Worth of Benefits for All

Canada’s religious congregations contribute an estimated $18.2 billion worth of benefits to their surrounding communities, according to newly updated calculations at

12 Young Canadians Begin Year-Long Cardus Leadership Program

Twelve young, Canadian leaders have become the second group of Cardus NextGEN Fellows, participating in a year-long, leadership development program for those aged 25-34.

10 Policy Priorities for Ontario’s 2022 Election

Politicians and voters should seize the opportunity of Ontario’s upcoming election campaign to explore new ways to help create a thriving society.

Ontario Should Strengthen Healthcare Workers’ Conscience Rights Protections

Ontario needs to do a better job protecting healthcare workers’ conscience rights.

Support Grows for Religious Freedom and Conscience Rights

Canadians’ enthusiasm for freedom of conscience and religion is increasing, according to a new survey by the Angus Reid Institute in partnership with think-tank Cardus.

A Plan to Keep Places of Worship Open During Emergencies

It’s time to update Ontario’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to create a distinct category for the treatment of religious services, rites, and ceremonies, according to a new policy brief by think tank Cardus.

Ontario Needs to Reconsider Pandemic School Closure Policy

Ontario needs a better process for deciding school system closures during pandemics or other crises.

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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