Cory Andrew Labrecque | Cardus


Cory Andrew Labrecque

Cory Andrew Labrecque

Dr. Labrecque is associate professor of bioethics and theological ethics, and the inaugural chair of educational leadership in the ethics of life at the faculty of theology and religious studies at the University of Laval in Quebec City, where he is vice-dean and director of graduate programs in theology.

He previously served as the Raymond F. Schinazi Scholar in bioethics and religious thought, and the director of graduate programs in bioethics at Emory University in Atlanta. Cory earned a BSc in anatomy and cell biology, an MA in religious studies with specialization in bioethics, and a PhD in religious ethics at McGill University, where he was a course lecturer in the faculty of religious studies, the Institute of Parasitology, and the department of physiology.

Cory’s teaching and research examine how the Abrahamic religions—with a focus on the Roman Catholic tradition—approach ethical issues in medicine, biotechnology, and the environment. He is especially interested in ethical issues at the end of life, understandings of personhood, and the impact of emerging/transformative technologies on philosophical and theological perspectives on human nature and the human-nature-God relationship. He is vice-president of the National Committee for Ethics and Ageing (Quebec) and is corresponding member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

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