Cardus Education Survey 2018: Perceptions of High School Experience and Preparedness for Life | Cardus


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Cardus Education Survey 2018: Perceptions of High School Experience and Preparedness for Life

September 19, 2019


Research Report

This report from the 2018 Cardus Education Survey examines the school sector effect on how graduates of nongovernmental and public schools in the U.S think about their experiences in high school, including an assessment of their high school’s quality and climate, the relationships they formed there, and how well they felt prepared for key dimensions of adulthood, including university, career, and personal relationships. It is based on a representative survey of 1500 randomly selected American high school graduates (ages 24-39). The Cardus Education Survey includes a large number of controls for many factors in student development such as parental education, religion, and income, to isolate a school sector’s particular impact.

Download this research in PDF form by clicking here.

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