Media Coverage, Research Details | Cardus


Media Coverage

Cardus shares its research and evidence-based policy recommendations in multiple ways, including through the news media. Find the latest coverage of Cardus here.

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Saviors at City Hall?

City residents may well shudder (or laugh) at the thought of their beleaguered mayor at the helm of a global order. The work of getting garbage picked up, taxes collected, streets cleaned, and wastewater treated is more than enough for most municipal chiefs to handle. Yet it is precisely this “get it done” attitude that makes municipal leadership so vital. Benjamin Barber, a senior research scholar at the City University of New York, argues that the twelve mayors featured in his book If Mayors Ruled the World are all stars of global scope. ... Read the rest of the article here.

Court must restore religious freedom

The Vancouver Sun publishes an editorial urging the Supreme Court of Canada to rule in favour of Loyola High School: "If the Supreme Court rules in favour of the government's stance, it will legitimize the province's position that religion is a lifestyle choice and not a matter of personal identity, according to Peter Stockland, senior director of publications and media with Cardus, a Hamilton-based think-tank." Read the full article here.

Court should end Quebec’s trampling of religious freedoms

Published in today's paper, "Editorial: Court should end Quebec's trampling of religious freedoms," a perspective on why the Loyola high school case is so important: "If the Supreme Court rules in favour of the Quebec government's stance, it will legitimize the province's position that religion is a mere lifestyle choice and not a matter of deeply rooted personal identity, according to Peter Stockland, senior director of publications and media with Cardus, a Hamilton-based think-tank whose focus is on the intersection between faith and the common life of Canadians. Cardus is supporting Loyola in its fight, and two of its members, along with Loyola principal Paul Donovan, visited the Herald editorial board recently as part of a cross-Canada trip to raise awareness about the case." Read the rest of this editorial here.

Loyola case a battle over religious freedom

Loyola principal, Paul Donovan, says Quebec rule prohibits teaching faith

Paul Donovan fears that Quebec is moving towards a "closed" secularism. To read more on this from Patheos and the Catholic News Agency, click here.

Ontario Chamber of Commerce paper cites Cardus research

An October 2013 report on the Ontario College of Trades released by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce cites 2011 Cardus research paper, Where is the Research?

“An archdiocese, a corporate entity, could be deemed not to have religious freedom.”

Loyola High School principal, Paul Donovan talks to the B.C. Catholic about his school's fight to be exempted from the Ethics and Religious Culture program. The article argues that the outcome of this case will have profound implications for the religious freedom of all institutions. To read the full article, click here.

“We are not allowed to be who we are”: Quebec Catholic principal tells Canadians

"Paul Donovan speaks about the situation in which Loyola finds itself and about how the situation is relevant to all Canadians who may believe religious freedom is a safe and protected right," writes Peter Baklinski on .

Quebec Catholic school principal fights for right to teach religion course with faith

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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