Media Coverage, Research Details | Cardus


Media Coverage

Cardus shares its research and evidence-based policy recommendations in multiple ways, including through the news media. Find the latest coverage of Cardus here.

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Toronto Sun logo


Take your time, Ontario. The rest of Canada is already singing the child-care blues

Cardus Senior Fellow Andrea Mrozek wrote an op-ed for the Toronto Sun about how various provinces are faring with the new affordable child-care program and why Ontario shouldn't sign a deal too quickly. It is in Ontario's best interest to ensure all families would benefit from the deal, which requires a broader definition of child care to account for alternative options that many Ontarians use.

Take your time, Ontario. The rest of Canada is already singing the child-care blues

The Hamilton Spectator logo


Private school students excluded from rapid testing program

Cardus Senior Fellow Deani Van Pelt writes an op-ed in The Hamilton Spectator about the Ontario government's new rapid testing program which will provide rapid antigen testing kits to students in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks after the holidays. The program, however, does not include students in independent schools, which Van Pelt says creates an illogical and discriminatory divide among Ontario students.

Private school students excluded from rapid testing program


How can we become smart, ethical shoppers in a consumerist world?

"If something becomes trendy, it becomes a marketer's friend and it may not actually achieve what you want," warns Brian Dijkema, Cardus Vice-President of External Affairs, as he contributes to a discussion on ethical shopping on Context: Beyond the Headlines.

How can we become smart, ethical shoppers in a consumerist world?

Young Quebecers think boomers have screwed up the world & don’t care too much about Canada

"When it comes to religious tolerance, there's a greater intensity of negative views of religion among older Quebecers than younger Quebecers," Ray Pennings, Executive Vice-President of Cardus, tells MTL Blog about our recent poll with the Angus Reid Institute on young leaders and the role of faith in public life.   Photo by Adrien Olichon on Unsplash 

Negotiations underway over Ontario child care costs

"The federal government has grossly underestimated what this program could cost," Peter Jon Mitchell, Family Program Director at Cardus, tells CTV News as Ontario negotiates a $10-per-day child care agreement with the federal government. "Certainly we see the potential for cost over-runs and and it would be up to the provinces to make up those differences and they'll have to manage the shortfall.

Disaffection among today’s youth rooted in boomers’ “long march through the institutions”

Author and historian John Robson takes a trip down memory lane, suggesting that the anger among younger generations, as described in recent polling by the Angus Reid institute in partnership with Cardus, isn't all that unique. And he suggests a possible response for all those who want to tear things down and start again. Photo by Pawel Janiak on Unsplash 

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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