Media Coverage, Research Details | Cardus


Media Coverage

Cardus shares its research and evidence-based policy recommendations in multiple ways, including through the news media. Find the latest coverage of Cardus here.

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Educational Pluralism Puts Children and Families First

"Educational pluralism, stated really simply, is a system of education that allows for the funding and regulation for forms of schools that are not necessarily government-operated," explains Deani Van Pelt, a Cardus Senior Fellow, in this Hub Dialogues podcast episode. Listen in (or read the transcript) for Deani's take on how all of us could benefit from more fully embracing this concept.

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The Case for Getting Back to the Office

Breaking with their tradition, the editors at The Hub publish a rare official editorial on the importance of work. "It should be relatively non-contentious to recognize that declining religious participation has had significant effects on modern society," they write. "We believe that a withdrawal from work could similarly have major consequences for our society that need to be better understood, debated, and ultimately contested."

Regina Leader Post logo


Independent Schools Offer Families Choice, Promote Social Cohesion

"Revelations of a class action lawsuit over horrific alleged abuses at a Saskatchewan independent school have led to renewed calls to end taxpayer funding for the entire sector," writes Deani Van Pelt, a Cardus Senior Fellow. She responds by building a case for a  "pluralist education system" with "local-district, separate, francophone, and independent schools operating side by side."

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Toronto Could Solve its Budget Crunch by Getting More for Less

"Toronto is facing another multi-million-dollar budget shortfall. While it’s easy to blame the pandemic, most of the problem is of the city’s own making. For years, Toronto has refused to recognize that construction competition could go a long way in keeping it out of financial trouble," writes Karen Renkema, VP Ontario at the Progressive Contractors Association of Canada.

Ottawa Citizen logo


Instead of Strikes, How About ‘Human Scale’ Schools in Ontario?

"Just as Ontario parents finally head into a 'normal' school year, they’re hearing talk of potential strikes amid tense teacher and support worker contract negotiations. Given the immense learning loss students suffered over recent 'COVID-schooling' years, there surely must be a better way to resolve these issues," writes David Hunt, Education Director at Cardus.

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Significant Financial Benefit from Houses of Worship

"Canadian religious congregations bring the country an estimated benefit worth $18.2 billion," reports Faith Today magazine, citing a Cardus study. Check out the full story if you'd like to learn more about the "halo effect" of religious congregations. 

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Redeeming “Evangelical”

"It’s a hard time to call yourself evangelical in Canada. So hard, many of us don’t readily apply the label to ourselves anymore," writes Patricia Paddey in a Faith Today story that uses data from a Cardus and Angus Reid Institute study about of various religious communities.

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Collaboration Critical to Successful CBAs

"The good news is that governments can take steps, if not to eliminate the extra costs associated with [Community Benefits Agreements], then at least to reduce them," writes Cardus's Renze Nauta in the Daily Commercial News. "Our research shows that collaboration – early and often – between government and the private sector is key."

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Ray Pennings: How to Enjoy Life as an Ideological Fish Out of Water

"My conservatism, whatever label you slap onto it, is no more about any specific principle or policy position than it is an approach or disposition toward my neighbour. I start with the principle of dignity and seeing worth in my opponent," writes Ray Pennings, Cardus Executive Vice-President, in The Hub. 

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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