Media Coverage, Research Details | Cardus


Media Coverage

Cardus shares its research and evidence-based policy recommendations in multiple ways, including through the news media. Find the latest coverage of Cardus here.

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Legal Scholar Dwight Newman Breaks Down Religious Freedom in Canada and the Incredible Invocation of the Emergencies Act

"I'm not sure courts are fully valuing religious freedom at times," says Dwight Newman, a University of Saskatchewan law professor. "We’ve had probably a secularization of the judiciary, to some extent." Prof. Newman is the author of the recent Cardus report Reasonable Limits: How Far Does Religious Freedom Go in Canada? 

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Expand Religious School Funding in Ontario

"Rather than abolishing taxpayer-funded Catholic schools, let’s let funding follow all students to their best-fit school — including religious independent schools," argues David Hunt, program director for Cardus Education.

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The Holistic Value of Work, Religion in a Pluralist Society, and Why Quebec’s Bill 21 Must Be Challenged

In the Hub Dialogues podcast, Cardus's Brian Dijkema discusses his unique path to the world of think tanks, the future of trade unions, the non-material benefits of work, and Quebec’s Bill 21.

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Innovation in Schooling Should be Encouraged, Not Shut Down

"Why would we want to crush creative educational models and squeeze new approaches into outdated policy boxes?" asks David Hunt in this article critiquing the Ontario's government's approach to family-organized learning hubs.


Can Ontario Public Schools Handle Teaching Religious Diversity?

Canada’s public schools could be doing a better job teaching students about religion and belief. Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett joins host Jerry Agar to discuss a new Cardus report, Needs Improvement: How Public Schools Teach About Religion.

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Let’s Depolarize Debates About Religious Freedom in Canada

How well have authorities upheld religious freedom in Canada during the pandemic? How well have religious communities understood and exercised religious freedom? That's what Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett discusses with host Mike Farwell. Start listening at the 1:03 mark.


Can the GOP Become the Party of the Working Class?

What will come of Republicans' embrace of American blue collar workers? Brian Dijkema comments in this story about one step being taken to increase the power of labour.

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Unions need serious renewal if they want to make it in the modern economy

"One of its key assumptions is that there’s an antagonistic relationship between labour and capital. But that assumption is disputable," Brian Dijkema tells The Hub's Sean Speer. Read on to learn how North American labour unions can adapt to today's economy.

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Inside the trucker convoy is a tale of two protests

Possibly the largest protest in Canadian history overwhelmed the national capital on the weekend, not to mention mainstream and social media. But Ray Pennings asks, "What exactly was the protest’s message?"

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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