Media Coverage, Research Details | Cardus


Media Coverage

Cardus shares its research and evidence-based policy recommendations in multiple ways, including through the news media. Find the latest coverage of Cardus here.

  • Program

Universal day care does not work: Cardus report

One thousand educators to discuss struggles, trends facing private Christian schools

Statistics on Canada’s Marriage and Divorce Rates

Why does Statistics Canada no longer collect annual marriage and divorce statistics?

Canadians are beginning to wonder: Why does Statistics Canada no longer collect annual marriage and divorce statistics?  Cardus is leading the effort to get the federal government to reinstate collection of this information so relevant to the institution of marriage, as Family Program Director Andrea Mrozek explains on CFPL Radio in London, ON.

Social isolation starts in families: Thankfully it can end there too

Divorce and marriage data crucial for understanding Canada’s public health, researchers argue

A chorus of researchers is calling for Statistics Canada to reinstate its annual publication of marriage and divorce rates, arguing numbers on the country’s marital health are vital for understanding housing, child care and public health.  Cardus presented two federal cabinet ministers with a petition signed by more than 30 scholars, activists and public intellectuals on Friday, urging the government to bring the numbers back.

Universal Daycare Policies Lack Universal Support

It’s important to keep a clear eye on the centre of the Bill 66 debate

Gillette controversy: Marketing and politics become indistinguishable

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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