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Federal Government Must Act Now to Save Charitable Sector

Just ahead of the federal government’s fiscal snapshot, a new analysis by think tank Cardus shows how a temporary dollar-for-dollar charitable donation matching program is both affordable and necessary.

Four Fixes for Ontario’s Long-Term Care Crisis

As COVID-related deaths highlight the pre-existing crisis in Ontario long-term care (LTC) homes, a new report from think tank Cardus is recommending four important reforms.

Ontario’s Gambling Monopoly is a Tax on Marginalized Families

In the wake of questionable Ontario Lottery and Gaming (OLG) spending, leadership controversies, and contentious layoff decisions, gambling in Ontario is ripe for reform. And now, a new report finds that Ontario’s “gambling monopoly operates as a tax on the marginalized—preying on the poor and those who are playing hard to join them.”

Alberta Education Reforms Must Go Beyond Edmonton and Calgary

In a newly published a policy brief, Toward a More Diverse and Resilient Education Sector, think tank Cardus recommends the province work toward reducing unequal access to independent schools in Alberta communities other than Edmonton and Calgary.

Alberta Takes a Step Forward in Driving Education Innovation

Bill 15, Alberta’s new Choice in Education Act, makes some important progress in developing a truly pluralist education ecosystem in the province.

Fairness & Flexibility Should Distinguish Ontario Education Funding

Province should let education funding follow students to schools that meet their needs best.

Charitable Foundations Step Up to Help During COVID-19

Canadian charities will get a financial shot in the arm, thanks to the help of charitable foundations.

Ontario and Federal Governments Urged to Step Up Help to Charities During COVID-19

Alberta becomes first province to take positive step with donation matching program

Statement on the Passing of William Voortman

Co-founder of Voortman Cookies was a philanthropist deeply involved in organizations he supported.  

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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