Research Library, Approach, Results, Policy | Cardus


Research & Policy Library

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Child angel statue
Work & Economics
Policy Brief

Bill C-3 Bereavement Leave Provisions for the Loss of a Child

Andreae Sennyah

February 10, 2022

Mother holds her baby
Policy Brief

Backgrounder on Federal Parental-Leave Benefits

The purpose of this backgrounder is to provide context for conversations at Cardus on the advantages, challenges, and potential reforms needed to improve Canada’s parental-leave benefits policies.

Peter Jon Mitchell

February 9, 2022

Woman assisting students
Faith Communities
Research Report

Reasonable Limits

How Far Does Religious Freedom Go in Canada?

Dwight Newman

February 9, 2022

Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Needs Improvement: How Public Schools Teach About Religion

Are students in public schools receiving the necessary formation that will support their participation in a society that is becoming increasingly diverse in religious expression? Instructing the next generations not in a religion but about religion should be a key element of Canadian education.

Andrew P.W. Bennett

January 26, 2022

Research Report

Future Ready

The research in this book traces the stories of 11 Christian schools and networks that have adopted completely new mindsets to keep their schools sustainable.

Lynn E. Swaner Jonathan Eckert Erik Ellefsen Matthew H. Lee

January 23, 2022

Man standing at sunrise
Faith Communities
Policy Brief

Memo: Hamilton Bill 21 Challenge

Brian Dijkema

January 13, 2022

Dice and cards
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: PEI Responsible Gambling Strategy Consultation

Andreae Sennyah Johanna Lewis

December 17, 2021

Pupils On Trip To Museum Looking At Map And Making Notes
Perspectives Paper

Excellence in Education

Recovering the Christian Virtue

Beth Green Doug Sikkema

December 14, 2021

A Good Fit Banner Black and White
Research Report

A Good Fit

How Matching Students and Schools by Religion Improves Academic Outcomes

Catherine Pakaluk Nicholas Swanson

December 13, 2021

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