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Baby carriage in sunset
Research Report

Missing Marriage and the Baby Carriage

Unpartnered Young Adults and the Decline of Fertility in Canada

Peter Jon Mitchell

June 23, 2021

A young person watching a teacher gives a lesson onnline while taking notes.
Research Report

Pandemic Pivot

Christian Independent Schooling During the Initial 2020 Lockdown

Paul Marcus Deani Van Pelt Tena Boven

June 11, 2021

Four Students studying together
Perspectives Paper

Redeeming the Buzzword

A Distinctively Christian Approach to “Innovation” in Education

Beth Green

May 31, 2021

Decorative abstract background of a modern building
Work & Economics
Research Report

Turning Aces into Assets

Four Options to Help the Government Turn Its Addiction to Gambling Revenue into Assets for the Poor

Brian Dijkema

May 28, 2021

Work & Economics

Turning Aces into Assets

Four Options to Help the Government Turn Its Addiction to Gambling Revenue into Assets for the Poor

Johanna Lewis Brian Dijkema

May 28, 2021

Row of Unlabeled vaccine bottles
Work & Economics
Research Brief

Vaccination Incentives for the Common Good

We’re almost there! The pandemic’s terrible toll on people’s lives and our country as a whole is coming close to an end. The one thing that will ultimately crush COVID-19’s deadly threat: vaccines.

Brian Dijkema Sean Speer

May 19, 2021

Banner - Parents assemble puzzle pieces together while kids play on a foundation of coins.
Research Report

Look Before You Leap: The Real Costs and Complexities of National Daycare

The federal budget of 2021 offers national daycare at a cost of $30 billion over five years, with an annual cost of $9.2 billion after that. This sounds like a lot of funding, but is it enough? This research report offers a detailed assessment of the real cost of national daycare and the amounts that provincial governments will realistically be responsible for contributing once the federal funding is spent.

Andrea Mrozek Peter Jon Mitchell Brian Dijkema

May 6, 2021

Mother holding toddler aged daughter in a wheat field.
Perspectives Paper

Unchartered Territory: A Historical and Critical Analysis of Alberta’s Prohibition on Religious Charter Schools

A Historical and Critical Analysis of Alberta's Prohibition on Religious Charter Schools

Brett Fawcett

April 21, 2021

Decorative abstract background. glass ceiling
Policy Brief

Family Policy Brief

Peter Jon Mitchell Andrea Mrozek

April 7, 2021

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