Research Library, Approach, Results, Policy | Cardus


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Decorative abstract background, black and grey beams
Work & Economics
Research Report

Protections for Users of High-Cost Credit

Brian Dijkema Johanna Lewis

April 1, 2021

Volunteer giving food
Faith Communities
Research Report


A Case Study on Jewish Humanitarian Response to Poverty

Andrew P.W. Bennett

March 9, 2021

Lineup of people to view historical home
Faith Communities
Research Report

The Welcome Home

The Welcome Home is a Catholic ministry in the North Point Douglas neighbourhood in Winnipeg’s North End. It serves as a gathering place for residents of the neighbourhood and offers weekly and monthly programs that respond to Jesus Christ’s beckoning in the Gospel of Matthew: “Come to me, all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you” (Matthew 11:28).

Andrew P.W. Bennett

February 5, 2021

Elderly person hands folded on lap
Faith Communities
Research Report

Pastoral Home Care of the Archdiocese of Montreal / SASMAD

Le Service d’accompagnement spirituel pour les personnes malades ou âgées à domicile (SASMAD), or as it is known in English, Pastoral Home Care, is an outreach program of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Montreal. It is a free and confidential service that provides spiritual support through home visits to those who are sick or elderly. It is volunteer based and is supported by the archdiocese and by a private Catholic foundation.

Andrew P.W. Bennett

February 1, 2021

Toronto Ontario Temple
Faith Communities
Research Report

Our Time

The OUR TIME project is a service initiative by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints volunteering at the Vanier Centre for Women, a correctional facility in Milton, Ontario. Through OUR TIME, the women incarcerated at Vanier have the opportunity to record themselves reading to their children, giving them a chance to hear their mothers’ voices while they are apart.

Johanna Lewis

January 22, 2021

Decorative abstract background, glass building
Faith Communities

Union Gospel Mission

January 12, 2021

Decorative abstract background, grey spiral
Work & Economics
Research Report

Fuelling Canada’s Middle Class

Job Polarization and the Natural Resource Sector

December 2, 2020

Decorative abstract background, glass building
Research Report

Broad Support for MAiD in Canada Has Caveats and Concerns

The story of Canadian attitudes toward medical assistance in dying (MAiD), or doctor-assisted suicide, is a complex one. It is clear that general support for MAiD has increased since it has become legal, but for most Canadians, many caveats accompany their support. This public opinion survey by the Angus Reid Group, commissioned by Cardus, outlines the many caveats and concerns Canadians express about the breadth and speed of the expansion of MAiD.

Ray Pennings Angus Reid

November 10, 2020

Faith Communities
Research Report

Matthew House Ottawa

Case Studies in Faith-Based Social Service

Johanna Lewis

November 10, 2020

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