Research Library, Approach, Results, Policy | Cardus


Research & Policy Library

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Illustrations of high school students
Research Report

Cardus Education Survey 2018: Ontario Bulletin

Beth Green Doug Sikkema David Sikkink

October 24, 2018

Illustrated high school students
Research Report

Cardus Education Survey 2018: British Columbia Bulletin

Beth Green David Sikkink Doug Sikkema

October 17, 2018

Screenshot of page 1 of report
Faith Communities
Research Report

Navigating Religious Diversity in the Workplace

Ray Pennings

October 2, 2018

Traffic light showing yellow light
Work & Economics
Research Report

Shortchanging Ontario’s Cities

Brian Dijkema

September 25, 2018

Boy wrapped in Canadian flag
Research Report

Mapping Independent School Associations in Canada

Deani Van Pelt Peter Jon Mitchell

September 2, 2018

A church shown under Northern Lights
Research Report

Qualified Independent Schools in Saskatchewan

An Examination of a Recent Policy Change for a New Category of Funded Independent Schools

Deani Van Pelt

September 1, 2018

Three graduates in caps and gown.
Research Report

Many Educational Systems, a Common Good

An International Comparison of American, Canadian, and Australian Graduates from the Cardus Education Survey An International Comparison of American, Canadian, and Australian Graduates from the Cardus Education Survey An International Comparison of American, Canadian, and Australian Graduates from the Cardus Education Survey An International Comparison of American, Canadian, and Australian Graduates from the Cardus Education Survey

July 26, 2018

Construction crane
Work & Economics
Research Report

Skimming Off the Top

How closed tendering weakens our ability to pursue the public good

Brian Dijkema

July 16, 2018

Middle-aged couple sitting on a bench
Research Report

Cohabitation Among Middle-Aged Canadians

Peter Jon Mitchell

June 20, 2018

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