Research Library, Approach, Results, Policy | Cardus


Research & Policy Library

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Man in wheelchair being fit for prosthetics
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: Cardus Submission to Parliamentary Committee on Bill C-22: Canada Disability Benefit Act

Brian Dijkema Renze Nauta Andreae Sennyah

December 1, 2022

Faith Communities
Research Report

The Shifting Landscape of Faith in Canada

Religion holds an increasingly delicate place in Canadian society according to The Shifting Landscape of Faith in Canada. This report compiles data from nine representative surveys of the Canadian population, creating one of the most comprehensive looks at religion in Canada.

Ray Pennings Jenisa Los

November 23, 2022

Research Report

Naturally Diverse

November 22, 2022

Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Indigenous Voices of Faith: Bill Adsit

These remarks by Bill Adsit from the 2022 National Prayer Breakfast in Ottawa express his views on faith, residential schools, and being Indigenous in Canada.

November 17, 2022

Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Indigenous Voices of Faith: Rosella Kinoshameg

Rosella Kinoshameg, from Wikwemikong on Ontario’s Manitoulin Island, shares her thoughts on faith as an Indigenous person and working as nurse in First Nations communities.

November 17, 2022

Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Indigenous Voices of Faith: Fr. Cristino Bouvette

Father Cristino Bouvette, who is of Métis and Cree-Ojibwe heritage, shares his view on faith and reconciliation as an Indigenous person.

November 17, 2022

Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Indigenous Voices of Faith: Jeff Decontie

Jeff Decontie, who is of Anishinaabe and Mohawk heritage, shares his experience as an urban Indigenous professional.

November 17, 2022

Cashier scanning items
Work & Economics
Research Report

Canada’s New Working Class

Canada’s New Working Class offers leaders a contemporary, modern understanding of the 6.5 million Canadians who are in the working class. One key finding is that members of Canada’s working class are as likely to be women or recent immigrants in sales or service jobs as they are to be men doing blue-collar, mostly unionized, manufacturing work. Canada's New Working Class busts stereotypes and outlines a true, inclusive working-class agenda.

Sean Speer Sosina Bezu Renze Nauta

September 29, 2022

Work & Economics
Research Report

Economic Reconciliation

How Have Indigenous Peoples in Canada Fared Since 2008?

Johanna Lewis N.T. Khuong Truong

September 15, 2022

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